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Friday 17 June 2011

Anthony Weiner Resigns - Rumor Has it Vblog Post

Soooooo Mr. Weiner finally decided to resign. Our Rumor-has-It blog posts are a serious and at times hilarious but always opinionated look at the news. Enjoy!

Watch out there is a diva in the house!!!!

Diva’s special treatment is rubbing the other judges on The Voice the wrong way. Christina Aguilera apparently is being paid a whopping $225,000 per episode. As if that isn’t enough her attention-grabbing stunts and all-about-me-attitude has supposedly royally pissed off Adam Levine,  a rival judge. Adam’s rep. Says there is absolutely no truth to this rumor as the duo has recorded a song together and were seen partying together.....Rumor True or False

Katy says:

We just don't know if this rumor is true or not...yes celebrities can be bitchy but sometimes news agencies  are just trying way too hard to find a little gossip! 
Juicy Rating:  

Thursday 16 June 2011

Alice - Madness Returns - A hooting-tooting review lol

This sexy little number above is THE Alice. Yeah she puts the shit in shit crazy! If you didn't play the first Alice game, follow these instructions to a tee.

If you did get you hands on the first Alice you will be used to the macabre way the story of Alice unfolds. In the end scene she is released from the asylum and this is where this sequel begins. Alice finds herself lost in her own twisted make-believe world as she struggles to deal with the death of her parents.

So since I hate fuck-long reviews that drone on and on and I've got a plate of baked chicken and potatoes daring me to take a bite. (what....i'm a meat-and-potatoes-kindda-guy) I'll keep this review short and sweet.

  • Levels seemed never ending
  • Too many references to the old Alice game people playing for the first time could be confused
  • What's up the the frigging floating frigging platforms...ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
  • It plays ONE song repeating the chorus...I guess you know how that went
  • The madness of the mini-games ....groan

  • Game play was good
  • I like my characters like I like my neighbours - wacky with a side a Ahhhhhhhhhhh (Scroll down and you'll see a litte of what I mean)
  • The Weapons were banging ...literally. Some of my favs below.

1. Vorpal Blade

2. Pepper-grinder machine gun

3. Hobby Horse hammer

4. Teapot Cannon
  • Her hair was totally awesome, it was realistic and beautiful. Great graphics 
                              umm I think I'm in love
  • The weird environments
 just keeps you guessing what's next because the scene is so bizarre you are never really sure what you will find....kindda like that awkward moment when you really really  needed to use your buddy's bathroom and you are a little freaked by what you may find....

 Any comments please feel free to add them or ignore the Comment box, or write them in permanent ink on an unsuspecting family member.....

4 Reasons why I pity Doc. Octopus

For those non-Marvel fans, this is not an article referencing Paul.

the octopus who accurately predicted the football world cup winners.  Like yeah...I said ...I’m really gonna put my money on a weird looking sea creature not likely and to show you just how dumb that really is I’m gonna bet you $500.00 that the Netherlands wins!
-$500.00 later......
sob,sob...I’m really gonna miss Paul..R.I.P Paul

But I digress,
Love the Doc. Major fan. Who won’t like to have some extra appendages.  No walking through the house for beer,  no getting up to get the remote which ironically always seem to be by the television set. Its like your walking around with your own household help with you.
 Yep, intelligent tentacles are definitely the way to go.
Anyway, you get the picture extra tentacles = awesome/creepy

DoctorOctopus is kinda like a bad villain that you just can’t help love. When you read the facts below you’ll understand what I mean. This guy had some serious drama in his life...not that that is any excuse to harm others or be evil but sometimes I  kindda feel sorry for the guy.
4  Facts about Doctor Octopus
1.       His father was a dick.... he was very abusive and violent towards Otto and his mom.


2.       Otto was bullied at school for being smart

Bullying is a horrible thing to do! SO DON’T DO IT EVER!!!  Karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around.

3.       Otto was engaged to his love Mary Alice Anders but his mother’s jealously caused him to break off the engagement.

Hehehe what he should have done is dressed Mary in a tight mini-skirt, some goth makeup, fake tattoos, high heels, chewing gum, the works...introduce her to his mom as his wife....mom faints ...after she has recovered.....let her know it was joke and that she should be thankful Mary was  a simple librarian. I bet his mom would then be overjoyed at their union.

4.       While arguing with his mother over her new relationship she died of a heart attack.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt that would definitely put the D in disturbing and the P in psychiatric evaluation necessary

 What are your thoughts on Doc. Oct.

Ghost Rider - Horse or Bike - Which was more Bad-ass?

We all have watched Ghost Rider, if you haven’t, see our movie section.  Nicholas Cage is a pretty good actor. Thumbs up if you thought Face Off was epic.

 So when I found out he was going to be in Ghost Rider I was over the moon and he did not disappoint. Shortly after leaving the theatre I looked at my ride (...nothing much to brag about but i gets me around) and I got to thinking wouldn’t it be cool to have a bike like the G-man. I looked over to the wifey and  she looked at the car and at me, at me then at the car....I was waiting for it. Holy Shit I’m gonna get a bike.  She liked the bike in the movie, Nicolas Cage was great, shit yeah she wanted a bike!!!!!
 By now the thought had planted its way into my brain and taken root, spread and had blossomed.
 There I was knees weak lost in my dream where I pulled up to the house, straddled on my black mod ed bike, the engine purring,with the wind in my hair, cruising into the night like Tom Cruise in mission impossible ........then she said it.......

What about the bike? A horse.  A freaking horse. No way!!!!!!
3 weeks and 1 sore butt later I have new appreciation for that ol’ dang ranger in the Ghost Rider Flick.
Needless to say we are still undivided about which is more bad-ass, the HORSE or the BIKE.
And I want to present that argument to you......as unbiasedly as possible.

ok guys/gals let me present to you UTTER EPIC-NESS!!!!! The BIKE

                                           Amazing hotness..literally

                                           A close- up of said amazing hotness....

                                           Too much amazing hotness for one pic....sigh

Now onto the Ghost rider horse...bleh!

                                          Way too much cuteness, I think so too

                                           Hehehe snicker snicker

                                           And finally the horse next to the bike of amazing hotness.

What do you think?
Post your comments to this blog or on our Facebook page...or you could keep them to yourself and I'll mind read your thoughts.

Oldest Marvel Character

Alright guys so my grandmother’s birthday was last week. As I fought my way through the swarm of family members at her birthday party, I finally reached grams.  There she was sitting on that ol’ high backed chair of hers eating ....scratch that sucking on some pineapple. Seriously guys, it really brings new meaning to your life when you see someone’s teeth in a glass jar!!! Anyway I digress, this all got me thinking about the Oldest Marvel Character or better yet the first Marvel Character ever made.
After chowing down on some too awesome mac and cheese and some not too awesome chilli, I finally got the chance to find out. Believe it or not its.......


The mutant son (obviously) of a human sea captain and a princess of undersea kingdom of Atlantis.

Who created him?

Bill Everett

First appearance

In freaking 1939!!!!!!


  • He was initially the enemy of the Human Torch
  • His cousins were named Namora and Dorma
  • He actually married his cousin Dorma
  • His skin is pink rather than the normal blue of the Atlantean’s skin because his father was human.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

What I hate most about Red Faction: Armageddon

After years of peace there must be war....a war on idiots; ya know to kindda shake things up a little. When our hero fails to stop a group of idiotic cultists from destroying the planet's terraformer the inevitable occurs. The colonists are forced underground to escape the now uninhabitable surface. Staying true to Murphy's Law when things go bad they just get worse. Not only are the colonists forced underground but our hero was tricked by the same gosh-darn-it-cultists into releasing an ancient alien force! Hold on to your lug nuts it's gonna be a rocky ride.

All jokes aside Red Faction was not what I had hoped it would be. And because I have my God of War game on pause, I'll make this review quick and easy. Feel free to disagree, agree, ignore, leave a happy face, scratch etc etc.

  • Amazing story
  • Return of the sledgehammer
  • Nano Forge can repair objects including cover
  • Magnet gun
  • Singularity gun which creates mini black holes

  • Clichéd – running down path shooting bugs as they pop out
  • Sound effects a little weak at times
  • Repeative action scenes
  • No modified arc welder
To sum up:
Not a horrible game but not overly entertaining either.
Bad-Ass Rating:
This was a little hard to pick since the graphics were so good. In the end I decided to give it a Bad-ass rating = Spongebob Squarepants mug-shot.
LIKE if you are a spongebob squarepants fan!
Click LIKE to see the Trailer or our website to view screenshots for this game.

Monday 6 June 2011

Marvel's Best Couple EVER!!!!!1

Unforgetable moment: Just finished watching Iron man 2 with the wife,all hyped up to blog...action was sizzling, 3-D graphics mind-blowing, I’m like hooting and a hollering pic was bad ass and EPIC! Look over to wife and she says and I quote “ Did YOU see HOW Ironman T-R-E-A-T-E-D Ms.Potts it was just ghastly
No really.... she really did use the word ghastly. No offense to women marvel fans but marvel is uniquely a man’s world. Gotta be careful here wifey reads and posts to this blog. It’s all muscle and testosterone and anger management issues. Our heroes take out the bad guys and kick alotta ass doing it. Take one of my top favourite characters Hulk- ultimate BAD-ASS. HULK SMASH!!!! Yeah that’s what I’m talking about.
As my wife points out (again and again ...and again) our heroes do have a softer side, a romantic side. Granted the Male marvel characters are a little gruff and short tempered but in the romance department some do have more skills than others.  These women can greatly affect the performance of our heroes and deserve mention. As they say behind every great man is a very opinionated....ur....very great woman.
So  Without further ado, and at the direct request of my wife, I present to you the Topic : Who has more luck with the ladies? Since there are sooo many Marvel characters I’ll stick to the ones which were made into movies recently.

Cyclops and Jean Grey

Cyclops and Jean Grey have history. A rocky romance but stable...if you didn’t account for the fact she went all Phonexi on the dude’s ass and sucked the life from him.
I’m guessing they are not going to be our couple of the year soooooooooo it’s last place for them in our poll.

Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible woman

Mr. Fantastic and the invisible woman are an ordinary enough couple. A young married couple experiencing ordinary marriage ups and downs.....well as ordinary as an invisible girl and stretching guy can be. Their love is sweet in a cutesy kindda way but nothing overly spectacular about their relationship. But they earn 3rd place in our rank.
Thor and Jane Foster

This romance was discussed in the 5 Top Fails of the Thor Movie. Read review here....and no their romance scenes sooooooooo did not cut it. But at least she didn’t kill him so they earn 4th place in our poll.
Spiderman and Mary Jane

Ah, the spidey crew. Their love is amazing...Mary Jane is a little pig-headed but she’s a trooper. She adores Peter Parker and Peter Parker would move the world to please Mary Jane but he has his moments and that is why they earn the place of  our second most favourite couple.
Hulk and Betty

....Which brings me to  our most favourite couple. The love between these two could boil oceans it’s so hot. They are unbelievably in love. Betty is the only woman who Hulk – (the guy that single handedly re-invented the word ANGER MANAGEMENT) would listen to and could calm him down enough to stop the total anniliation of the planet. And Beware the man/creature/thing that hurts Betty for their days are numbered. Their unique bond earns them 1st place!
Don’t take my word on it..check out this scene (posted below) between this dynamic duo.....gotta tell ya I felt a twinge when I was watching it....either that or the chilli burrito I just ate is coming back to haunt me. O_o

Top 3 Reasons Don Cheadle wasn't Right for IronMan 2

Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge fan of Don Cheadle but I just wasn’t feeling that performance in Iron Man 2. The film was great, the graphics mind-frigging-boggling, Respect to Prologue. (for more information see our article here) but it was not a memorable action flick.
Don Cheadle killed the jokes
I mean when you pay your bucks to see an action flick you want to see an action flick the kind that gets your girlfriend all squeamish and running for the hills. I wanna see big booms, digital tech, drool-worthy cars and ummmm did i mention big booms. Humor for the most part is optional sometimes it’s there other times not. Hey that’s life.  Iron man 1 set the precedent in the humor department. Lt. Colonel James “Rhodey” Rhodes was a funny man, easy going in short ya best bud. Don Cheadle just couldn’t deliver.

                                                 From http://jollyandy.com/aspc/?p185
2. Badass Potential ---like Mr. Clean

Like I said nothing against Don but his believability in the bad-ass department I’ll be honest with you it kindda needs a little work. That’s ok. Not everyone can pull off being a BAD ASS. I mean Hugh Jackman , the Wolverine, went from gay performer on a Broadway Musical (the pics are hilarious by the way...and that’s why we linked it for your viewing pleasure) to the ANIMAL we know today....not an easy feat lol. Thing is Don lacked what his predecessor had, what Wesley Snipes in Blade, what Robert Downey Jr in Ironman, what Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider had (no not tax evasion court cases) but A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E. Even though his predecessor Terrance Howard  (unbelievable that he was actually paid more than Robert Downey Jr. For his “role” in Ironman 1-  the motherload of all contract f*&k-ups) had fewer action scenes he was more comfortable in his role.

Don Cleadle had some pretty good action scenes. Like I said the man can act. But in the end despite being in many scenes his performance was not memorable. Even Scarlett Johannsen’s 30 second kick-ass performance (who wouldn’t want to get their butts handed to them by Scarlett...girl was phenomenal) was more newsworthy...and I’m not just saying that

LIKE if you rewatched this scene like a million frigging times. It went so quickly it was a blur!!
Samuel Jackman’s performance was great as usual and convincing for the role of Nick Fury. Don Cleadle’s performance was great but not good enough to outshine those on this set. Mickey Rourke was fan-fucking-tastic. That man was so weird-badass that when that man asked for his bird...I didn’t dare laugh. EPIC I want my bird...MY BIRD.
                                         From http:www.marvel.com

Sunday 5 June 2011

Inside Hugh Jackman's Workout for Wolverine

It's hard to imagine that this guy went from this

to this ................


 Hugh Jackman owned the role of Wolverine. Who could forget this epic scene when Wolverine rose from the water. (really.... who could forget it when it remained my wife's desktop image for weeks after....a little not so subtle hint to get my ass in shape )

 THE ANIMAL. His name was B-A-D-A-S-S. He was the man.

But many fans would not know that he was not always the rough, bearded muscle-man we know today. Oh no. For your viewing pleasure... Hugh Jackman

It took nothing short of a miracle for this kind of transformation and Mike Ryan, Hugh Jackman's personal trainer, should know. If your a-one-ab-kidda guy seeking to beef up, Mike Ryan offers some tips to get you there.

Train in the morning where possible – it’s the best way to ensure intensity.

Always warm up sufficiently – not just with cardio, but by doing the movements before adding weights.

Work on ‘progressive overload – always keep increasing the weight, and keep a training diary to record your progress.

Mix things up – constantly change the tempo, speed, incline, grip – anything so that you’re not always performing the same movement.

Feel the movement – focus on each muscle activation rather than simply aiming to finish the set.

Don’t overtrain – learn what your body can cope with.

Get plenty of rest – at least seven hours of good sleep a night

Reminder: If it was easy Hollywood would have found a way to do it..then mass produce it.

Like if you saw Hugh Jackman get whacked in the nuts by a cricket ball -lol

Top 5 Fails of the Thor movie

I guess by now everyone would have seen the Thor movie… in the theater and not on the megavideo link provided. (To see Thor in megavideo please click here)
2 hours later…..
So by NOW lol everyone should have seen the Thor movie. It was good. ….with his washboard abs and arrogant general asshole-like behavior was the very impersonation of the Thor we have all come to know and love. However, there are just some unforgivable lapses that cannot be overlooked.
The Characters were underdeveloped. Huge mistake. Odin, Thor’s mom, Gatekeeper, even Thor’s love remained estranged from the audience. There was a  huge disconnect between their motives and actions leaving movie viewers guessing until the very end.  They were the strangers in the plot...and apparently unwelcomed.

2.  The Last Battle Scene

So I’m hooked…there I was in the theatre clogging my artheries with greasy popcorn washing it down with some Dr. Pep watching Thor just ANNI-FUCKING –LATE the ice giants. I was hyped. The scene was EPIC and seeing Monike in action was worth  every buck I spent…even the fat lady in front of me blocking the ENTIRE Screen was digging it. Then came the Destroyer. I’m at the edge of my seat….waiting…waiting…Thor ..A GOD..was going rain down some major league kick-ass and then ……………..fssst. The scene passed like a small noiseless fart. EPIC FAIL!!!
The love scene between the down-on-his-luck hero and the over-awed scientist Jane Foster was envitable. It is a well-known scientific fact that the glistening abs on a healthy male body when viewed at the perfect angle will result in weak knees and heart palpatations on members of the opposite sex. But the cutesy scene as Mr. Fantastic ABs himself sits around the campfire bonding with the awe-struck scientist was a little cheesy and worse the only thing consumed by heat was the wood in the campfire. This is exactly what I mean about underdevelopment of the characters = pithy, unbelievable scenes.

Again reference to our first point. Thor was on our pathetic little planet for one day and has in the space of 24 hours learned the fine art of humility which escapes the ever controversial Donald Trump. So what was so emotionally wretching that our hero chose to change his arrogant ways? The toss up is between the loss of his father and the loss of Monika. Based on the clip below it's becomes pretty clear which loss was the more tramatic lol.
                                          Thor was just told his father was dead.
                                          Thor unable to lift hammer and goes ape-shit.