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Monday 6 June 2011

Marvel's Best Couple EVER!!!!!1

Unforgetable moment: Just finished watching Iron man 2 with the wife,all hyped up to blog...action was sizzling, 3-D graphics mind-blowing, I’m like hooting and a hollering pic was bad ass and EPIC! Look over to wife and she says and I quote “ Did YOU see HOW Ironman T-R-E-A-T-E-D Ms.Potts it was just ghastly
No really.... she really did use the word ghastly. No offense to women marvel fans but marvel is uniquely a man’s world. Gotta be careful here wifey reads and posts to this blog. It’s all muscle and testosterone and anger management issues. Our heroes take out the bad guys and kick alotta ass doing it. Take one of my top favourite characters Hulk- ultimate BAD-ASS. HULK SMASH!!!! Yeah that’s what I’m talking about.
As my wife points out (again and again ...and again) our heroes do have a softer side, a romantic side. Granted the Male marvel characters are a little gruff and short tempered but in the romance department some do have more skills than others.  These women can greatly affect the performance of our heroes and deserve mention. As they say behind every great man is a very opinionated....ur....very great woman.
So  Without further ado, and at the direct request of my wife, I present to you the Topic : Who has more luck with the ladies? Since there are sooo many Marvel characters I’ll stick to the ones which were made into movies recently.

Cyclops and Jean Grey

Cyclops and Jean Grey have history. A rocky romance but stable...if you didn’t account for the fact she went all Phonexi on the dude’s ass and sucked the life from him.
I’m guessing they are not going to be our couple of the year soooooooooo it’s last place for them in our poll.

Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible woman

Mr. Fantastic and the invisible woman are an ordinary enough couple. A young married couple experiencing ordinary marriage ups and downs.....well as ordinary as an invisible girl and stretching guy can be. Their love is sweet in a cutesy kindda way but nothing overly spectacular about their relationship. But they earn 3rd place in our rank.
Thor and Jane Foster

This romance was discussed in the 5 Top Fails of the Thor Movie. Read review here....and no their romance scenes sooooooooo did not cut it. But at least she didn’t kill him so they earn 4th place in our poll.
Spiderman and Mary Jane

Ah, the spidey crew. Their love is amazing...Mary Jane is a little pig-headed but she’s a trooper. She adores Peter Parker and Peter Parker would move the world to please Mary Jane but he has his moments and that is why they earn the place of  our second most favourite couple.
Hulk and Betty

....Which brings me to  our most favourite couple. The love between these two could boil oceans it’s so hot. They are unbelievably in love. Betty is the only woman who Hulk – (the guy that single handedly re-invented the word ANGER MANAGEMENT) would listen to and could calm him down enough to stop the total anniliation of the planet. And Beware the man/creature/thing that hurts Betty for their days are numbered. Their unique bond earns them 1st place!
Don’t take my word on it..check out this scene (posted below) between this dynamic duo.....gotta tell ya I felt a twinge when I was watching it....either that or the chilli burrito I just ate is coming back to haunt me. O_o

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