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Wednesday 8 June 2011

What I hate most about Red Faction: Armageddon

After years of peace there must be war....a war on idiots; ya know to kindda shake things up a little. When our hero fails to stop a group of idiotic cultists from destroying the planet's terraformer the inevitable occurs. The colonists are forced underground to escape the now uninhabitable surface. Staying true to Murphy's Law when things go bad they just get worse. Not only are the colonists forced underground but our hero was tricked by the same gosh-darn-it-cultists into releasing an ancient alien force! Hold on to your lug nuts it's gonna be a rocky ride.

All jokes aside Red Faction was not what I had hoped it would be. And because I have my God of War game on pause, I'll make this review quick and easy. Feel free to disagree, agree, ignore, leave a happy face, scratch etc etc.

  • Amazing story
  • Return of the sledgehammer
  • Nano Forge can repair objects including cover
  • Magnet gun
  • Singularity gun which creates mini black holes

  • Clichéd – running down path shooting bugs as they pop out
  • Sound effects a little weak at times
  • Repeative action scenes
  • No modified arc welder
To sum up:
Not a horrible game but not overly entertaining either.
Bad-Ass Rating:
This was a little hard to pick since the graphics were so good. In the end I decided to give it a Bad-ass rating = Spongebob Squarepants mug-shot.
LIKE if you are a spongebob squarepants fan!
Click LIKE to see the Trailer or our website to view screenshots for this game.

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